Setting up autodeletion in Entourage

How to get Entourage to remove messages you delete automatically after a certain number of days.

In Entourage, select – Tools -> Schedules


Schedules window


Press the "New" button to create a new scheduled event

Edit Schedule


1. Name: A name for the schedule – something descriptive about what the schedule does, such as "Remove Deleted Messages"

2. Under When, select Recurring.

3. Under Action, select "Delete Mail" from "Deleted Items" older than x days. I suggest allowing yourself some time to ensure you really meant to delete the message. If you don’t see the Deleted Items folder in that list, click Choose Folder and a list will pop up. Be careful, as you can run this script on any folder – make sure you choose the Trash/Deleted items folder.

4. Enabled check box – Make sure it’s enabled, or it won’t work.

5. Don’t press OK yet – click the "Click here for recurrence options" box and see the next step.

Recurring Schedule setup


The information here is shown to set the rule to run every day. There are a host of options, but this is the simplest way to do it so you don’t have to remember to do it.

Click OK a couple of times, close the Schedules window, and you are done.